Friday, February 15, 2013

Losing My Mind? No, I'm Just Pregnant.

Being pregnant has made me incredibly clumsy (even moreso that I am normally) and there are days when I feel like I'm losing my mind. Here are a few highlights to give you a laugh. Feel free to laugh out loud, I'm laughing along with you. I'm not losing my mind, right? I'm just pregnant!

  • I spilled my entire cup of coffee in my top desk drawer at work, on accident (obviously)
  • I forgot my wallet in my coat at work the day we were leaving Denver for the cruise - why my wallet was in my coat (and not in my purse) and how I managed to leave work without a coat in 30 degree weather, I don't know?
  • Chipping kitchen plates when I am putting them away in the cabinet
  • One day last week, I was 100% sure I closed the blinds in the living room before I left for work, but when I got home from work, they were open! 
  • I dropped my iPhone while I was on a work trip in Washington, shattering it beyond use. Chris and I had to coordinate my pickup from the Denver airport via email before I left the airport in Washington to come home! 
  • I regularly forget to attach documents to emails at work when I refer to them in the email body
  • I've been forgetting things at home when I am supposed to bring them - like side dishes for meals at friends houses or leaving my phone at home on a regular basis
  • Not remembering if I sent friends thank you cards, or birthday cards, or any kind of card
  • Not remembering if I already wore a specific outfit that week, or if it was the previous week?
Looking forward to only 8 more weeks (or less) of being overly clumsy!

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