Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Baby Bump: 16 Weeks

Today marked 16 weeks pregnant and a baby bump appeared sometime between 14 weeks and today! Fewer clothes still fit (comfortably) and my tummy is finally looking at a bump rather than just a little extra fat around my mid-section. We've read that the baby is the size of a turnip this week, that ears and eyes are formed (so it could see light if we shined a flashlight at my belly, and hear us when we talk), and anytime now I should start feeling the little movements of arms and legs. I'm still feeling sick, but I feel like we're better at managing the sickness now so it's not as bad as the first trimester. I've done a little maternity clothes shopping for things like a pair of jeans and a few shirts, but I'm going to have to get very creative with my wardrobe if I want to put off maternity clothes shopping much longer. We have a 17 week appointment next week and then will find out gender on December 3rd at our 21 week appointment, and we are very excited!

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