Friday, October 15, 2010

What do winemaking and sheetrocking have in common?

What do winemaking and sheet-rocking have in common? They both are happening at the  Gilstrap home this week! Chris has been reading online "how to" manuals all week on winemaking and is making progress, meanwhile, a mere 30 feet away, our hired workers are sheet-rocking the new addition! What an exciting week! (You may want to avoid this first batch of wine for concern for your health - there may be remnants of sheetrock dust.) Idea names for the first batch: "Sheetrock Dust Blend" or "Alleyhouse Vineyards"

Sheetrock goes up tomorrow!

1 comment:

Charles said...

I would like to request several bottles of this wine for my consumption on SIFE SKI 2011.