Monday, July 5, 2010

The Gilstrap Vineyard

Good news - our neighbors have grape vines! We're legitimately considering crafting our own wine and bottling our own vintage.... and we could be a winery, with a tasting room, right here in the middle of Platte Park neighborhood! Not sure yet what kind of grapes we have - so we'll let you know when we announce our new label! 
(For those of you who know us well - I'm only partially kidding here....)

The trashbags you see are what's proof of mom and I's work all day Monday - full of tree limbs, dead grape vines, shingles, wood and.... whats left of our irrigation and sprinkler system after it saw its last days because of the front loader.


Charles said...

I'll buy your first bottle!

I'm Ashley. said...

Amazing!! I can't wait to see this baby when it's finished :) BTW we should get some lunch soon...I'll bring some peppermint patties for dessert soul mate!